Saturday, April 25, 2009

Christianity in Singapore

Singapore is  a country  that  has  people  from  different ethnicities.  You  can find  Malaya  people,  Indians, Arabs, Chinese as  well as Eurasians  in  this  small  country  in Southeast  Asia.  these  people practice  different   religions and  are part of  different  community. The  religions  practiced in  Singapore  include Christianity, Hinduism,  Buddhism, and many  more.  Chirtianity is  one of the  most prominent  religion in  Singapore. you  will  find  numerous  churches  as well as  other  christian  institutions in this city-state.

Christianity first arrived on Singapore soon after the establishment of modern Singapore in the  year 1819. In half a year, the first Protestant missionary arrived on  Singapore to set up a local ministry.later the local  born  church leaders took  charge of the ministry. Several  theologicval  collegeswere also  established. These  colleges  were  set  up  to  educate and  produce more  and   more  next generation  leaders.  Soon  more churches  as well  as other christian organizations were established.  This  resulted into  a growth in the  followers  of Christianity in Singapore.  more  than  14%  of  the  population of  he  country follow  Chirstianity in Singapore.  almost one  third of the christian  population of the counrtry are  catholics  while  the  rest  of  them  are protestants.  Christianity  ois  considered as  one of  the  four main  religions in  Singapore.

The  Roman  Catholic  population of  Singapore consists  of Eurasians,  Chinese   and  Indians.  There are  30 Roman  Catholic  parishes in  different  parts of  Singapore sand  each  of them administer  a  particular district. Most of these catholic  parishes  are  directly involved  in social  services.  Some of them  are also encouraging the  creation of Small Christian  Communities. the National Council of Churches of Singapore is  the  umbrella organization under  which the  umbrella  organization for the   non-catholic  churches. 

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